Péter GERENCSÉR is a film historian, new media researcher and associate professor. He was born in Kapuvár, Hungary in 1977. He studied Hungarian literature, literary theory, and history at the University of Szeged (SZTE), in Szeged, Hungary. He completed his doctorate with a PhD dissertation on internet art (net art) at the Doctoral School of Literary Studies of SZTE in 2017. He formerly worked at the Department of Visual Culture and Literary Theory of SZTE, where he taught film history and animated film.

Currently, he teaches as associate professor at Milton Friedman University in Budapest. His research interests include digital aesthetics, Central European animation, particularly Czech and Slovak animated film.

His books: New, Media, Art (editor, 2008), The Metamorphoses of Hany Istók (2011).






Catalogue 2019

Programme Schedule 2019